Acid Mine Drainage / Desalination / Fertilizer / Ion Exchange / KNeW Process / No-Briner / Reverse Osmosis / Zik-Zak October 23, 2019
Industrial waste, biomimicry and the circular economy The attached article appeared in the October 2019 issue of MechChem Africa magazine. KNeW Process® inventor, John Bewsey, is featured, and he provides a good technical overview of KNeW Co’s patented ion exchange process. Click here to read the article (PDF).
Desalination / Fertilizer / Ion Exchange / KNeW Process / No-Briner / Reverse Osmosis / Zik-Zak October 7, 2019
The following article was published in Global Water Intelligence Magazine and can be viewed here. A PDF of the article is available here. Can a new ion exchange system cause a stir? by Tony Wachinski, Wisewater Global San Diego-based KNeW CompanyTM, formed in 2013, is bringing to market a variant on conventional ion exchange, aimed […]